14. Cookbook

This chapter contains sections to aid developers to interact with the SE platform. This is split into the following areas:

  • developing (web) clients that use the OGC web services (WFS, WMS, SOS, STA)
  • developing new sensor types
  • deploying subsets of the SE platform

14.1. Developing Web Clients

The SE platform supports various standard OGC web APIs:

  • WMS with Time Dimensions
  • WFS
  • Sensor Observation Service (SOS)
  • SensorThings API (STA)

The use of STA is favoured over SOS.

14.2. SensorThings API

The easiest way to get data out of the SE Platform is via the SensorThings API. As this API is REST-based one can already navigate through its entities via a web browser. For example the URL http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0 will show all Entities. Each can be clicked to navigate through the model.

14.2.1. Resources

Some STA documentation, inparticular API usage.

The mapping of the STA entities to SE objects is as follows:

  • Thing: corresponds to single SE Device (Station)
  • Location: holds single/last geographical Point location of Thing, thus SE Device
  • Datastream: corresponds to single indicator (e.g. Temperature or NO2) of single/specific SE Device
  • Observation: corresponds to single measurement (e.g. Temperature or NO2) of single/specific Datastream
  • Sensor and ObservedProperty provide metadata for a single/specific SE device indicator (mostly a sensor) thus Datastream

So a single Thing has multiple Datastreams, each Datastream provides multiple Observations for a single Sensor and single ObservedProperty. This corresponds to a single SE Device containing multiple indicators (mostly sensors) where each indicator provides multiple measurements. Thus Thing, Datastream and Observation will be the three Entities mostly used when interacting with STA.

In addition, for a Thing in SE the following conventions apply:

  • name attribute corresponds to SE Device id
  • properties is a free-form key/value list field using
  • device_meta: device type and version e.g. jose-1
  • id: device type and version e.g. jose-1
  • last_update: last date/time update was received from device
  • project_id: project identifier within SE (first 4 numbers of SE Device id)

Example properties:

"properties": {
        "device_meta": "jose-1",
        "id": "20060009",
        "last_update": "2018-02-01T15:00:00+01:00",
        "project_id": 2006

One caveat: as the STA GOST server holds over 5 million Entities (mainly Observations), most STA REST calls will automatically provide Paging with a maximum of N (top or nested) Entities per page. For example, getting all Things via http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things gives:

   "@iot.count": 182,
   "@iot.nextLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things?$top=100&$skip=100",
   "value": [
         "@iot.id": 182,
         "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(182)",
         "name": "20060009",
         "description": "Smart Emission station 20060009",
         "properties": {
            "device_meta": "jose-1",
            "id": "20060009",
            "last_update": "2018-02-01T15:00:00+01:00",
            "project_id": 2006
         "Locations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(182)/Locations",
         "Datastreams@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(182)/Datastreams",
         "HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(182)/HistoricalLocations"
         "@iot.id": 181,
         "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(181)",
         "name": "20060005",
         "description": "Smart Emission station 20060005",
         "properties": {
            "device_meta": "jose-1",
            "id": "20060005",
            "last_update": "2018-02-01T15:00:00+01:00",
            "project_id": 2006
         "Locations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(181)/Locations",
         "Datastreams@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(181)/Datastreams",
         "HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(181)/HistoricalLocations"
         "@iot.id": 83,
         "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(83)",
         "name": "88",
         "description": "Smart Emission station 88",
         "properties": {
            "device_meta": "jose-1",
            "id": "88",
            "last_update": "2018-01-25T07:00:00+01:00",
            "project_id": 0
         "Locations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(83)/Locations",
         "Datastreams@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(83)/Datastreams",
         "HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(83)/HistoricalLocations"

where “@iot.count”: 182 denotes that there are 182 Things (SE Sensor Stations/Devices).

Paging: http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things?$top=100&$skip=100 links to the next Page with $top=100&$skip=100 indicating show at most 100 Entities ($top=100) and skip the first 100 ($skip=100). The number 100 is a limit set in in the GOST config file: maxEntityResponse: 100. One should always be aware of Paging.

14.2.2. Useful Queries

Reminder: Paging will apply to the total number of Entities returned: so when e.g. $expand-ing Things, the count will apply to the expanded Entities!

Getting a specific Thing by station id using $filter.:

or URL-encoded:

Getting Things expanding Locations, useful to plot e.g. SE Devices with (last) locations on a map:

Same, but requesting a more compact response (less attributes) using the $select option:


   "@iot.count": 182,
   "@iot.nextLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things?$expand=Locations($select=location)&$top=100&$skip=100",
   "value": [
         "@iot.id": 182,
         "name": "20060009",
         "Locations": [
               "location": {
                  "coordinates": [
                  "type": "Point"
         "@iot.id": 181,
         "name": "20060005",
         "Locations": [
               "location": {
                  "coordinates": [
                  "type": "Point"
         "@iot.id": 83,
         "name": "88",
         "Locations": [
               "location": {
                  "coordinates": [
                  "type": "Point"

Getting all Things with Locations with specific property, for example all Devices for SE project 2001 (city of Zoetermeer):

or all SE Nijmegen project (0) Devices:

Getting Things expanding Locations and Datastreams is often useful to plot e.g. Station icons on a map, also providing info on all Indicators (Datastreams):


   "@iot.count": 182,
   "@iot.nextLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things?$expand=Locations,Datastreams&$top=100&$skip=100",
   "value": [
         "@iot.id": 182,
         "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(182)",
         "name": "20060009",
         "description": "Smart Emission station 20060009",
         "properties": {
            "device_meta": "jose-1",
            "id": "20060009",
            "last_update": "2018-02-01T15:00:00+01:00",
            "project_id": 2006
         "HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(182)/HistoricalLocations",
         "Locations": [
               "@iot.id": 182,
               "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Locations(182)",
               "name": "20060009",
               "description": "Location of Station 20060009",
               "encodingType": "application/vnd.geo+json",
               "location": {
                  "coordinates": [
                  "type": "Point"
               "Things@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Locations(182)/Things",
               "HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Locations(182)/HistoricalLocations"
         "Datastreams": [
               "@iot.id": 1690,
               "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1690)",
               "name": "pm2_5",
               "description": "PM 2.5 for Station 20060009",
               "unitOfMeasurement": {
                  "definition": "http://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html#para-30",
                  "name": "PM 2.5",
                  "symbol": "ug/m3"
               "observationType": "http://www.opengis.net/def/observationType/OGC-OM/2.0/OM_Measurement",
               "Thing@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1690)/Thing",
               "Sensor@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1690)/Sensor",
               "Observations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1690)/Observations",
               "ObservedProperty@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1690)/ObservedProperty"
               "@iot.id": 1689,
               "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1689)",
               "name": "pm10",
               "description": "PM 10 for Station 20060009",
               "unitOfMeasurement": {
                  "definition": "http://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html#para-30",
                  "name": "PM 10",
                  "symbol": "ug/m3"
               "observationType": "http://www.opengis.net/def/observationType/OGC-OM/2.0/OM_Measurement",
               "Thing@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1689)/Thing",
               "Sensor@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1689)/Sensor",
               "Observations@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1689)/Observations",
               "ObservedProperty@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Datastreams(1689)/ObservedProperty"

Getting specific Datastreams for single Indicator, for example getting all NO2 Datastreams.

Getting Observations

Getting last Observations since date/time:


   "@iot.count": 921,
   "@iot.nextLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations?$filter=phenomenonTime gt '2018-02-06T08:00:00.000Z'&$top=100&$skip=100",
   "value": [
         "@iot.id": 5131983,
         "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131983)",
         "phenomenonTime": "2018-02-06T10:00:00.000Z",
         "result": 1,
         "parameters": {
            "device_meta": "jose-1",
            "gid": 5132008,
            "name": "noiselevelavg",
            "raw_gid": 492353,
            "sensor_meta": "au-V30_V3F",
            "station": 20000001
         "Datastream@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131983)/Datastream",
         "FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131983)/FeatureOfInterest",
         "resultTime": "2018-02-06T11:00:00+01:00"
         "@iot.id": 5131982,
         "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131982)",
         "phenomenonTime": "2018-02-06T10:00:00.000Z",
         "result": 1017,
         "parameters": {
            "device_meta": "jose-1",
            "gid": 5132007,
            "name": "pressure",
            "raw_gid": 492353,
            "sensor_meta": "press-S16",
            "station": 20000001
         "Datastream@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131982)/Datastream",
         "FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131982)/FeatureOfInterest",
         "resultTime": "2018-02-06T11:00:00+01:00"

In the parameters some SE-specific data is encapsulated:

  • “device_meta”: “jose-1” - the Device type and -version
  • “gid”: 5132007 - the original key from the smartem_refined.timeseries DB schema/table
  • “name”: “pressure” - the friendly name of the Indicator
  • “raw_gid”: 492353 - the original key from the smartem_raw.timeseries DB schema/table
  • “sensor_meta”: “press-S16” - sensor type within the Device
  • “station”: 20000001 - the Device id

Getting last Observations for a specific Device (Thing) is a common scenario. Think of a web viewer:

  • on opening the viewer all Devices are shown as icons on map
  • clicking on an icon shows all last measurements (Observations) for all Datastreams of the Thing

One can first all Datastreams for a Thing, and then for each Datastream get the last Observation using $top=1. Example for Device 20010001:

  1. Get the Thing for example by Device id, expanding Datastreams:

  2. Now get the last Observation for each Datastream

A more direct way to get the last Observation for each Datastream from a Thing queried by device_id in a single GET:

Or when the Thing id (131 here) is known, simpler:

Using $select, to receive less data attributes. Here query for Device id 20010001 last Observations showing only id and name of each Datastream:


   "@iot.count": 1,
   "value": [
         "@iot.id": 131,
         "name": "20010001",
         "Datastreams": [
               "@iot.id": 1255,
               "name": "pm10",
               "Observations": [
                     "@iot.id": 5145885,
                     "phenomenonTime": "2018-02-07T11:00:00.000Z",
                     "result": 137,
                     "parameters": {
                        "device_meta": "jose-1",
                        "gid": 5145910,
                        "name": "pm10",
                        "raw_gid": 493875,
                        "sensor_meta": "pm10-S29",
                        "station": 20010001
                     "resultTime": "2018-02-07T12:00:00+01:00"
               "@iot.id": 1254,
               "name": "pm2_5",
               "Observations": [
                     "@iot.id": 5145881,
                     "phenomenonTime": "2018-02-07T11:00:00.000Z",
                     "result": 122,
                     "parameters": {
                        "device_meta": "jose-1",
                        "gid": 5145906,
                        "name": "pm2_5",
                        "raw_gid": 493875,
                        "sensor_meta": "pm2_5-S2A",
                        "station": 20010001
                     "resultTime": "2018-02-07T12:00:00+01:00"
               "@iot.id": 1248,
               "name": "noiseavg",
               "Observations": [
                     "@iot.id": 5145882,
                     "phenomenonTime": "2018-02-07T11:00:00.000Z",
                     "result": 47,
                     "parameters": {
                        "device_meta": "jose-1",
                        "gid": 5145907,
                        "name": "noiseavg",
                        "raw_gid": 493875,
                        "sensor_meta": "au-V30_V3F",
                        "station": 20010001
                     "resultTime": "2018-02-07T12:00:00+01:00"

Last 100 Observations from any Indicators from any Devices:


   "@iot.count": 5131983,
   "@iot.nextLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations?$top=100&$skip=100",
   "value": [
         "@iot.id": 5131983,
         "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131983)",
         "phenomenonTime": "2018-02-06T10:00:00.000Z",
         "result": 1,
         "parameters": {
            "device_meta": "jose-1",
            "gid": 5132008,
            "name": "noiselevelavg",
            "raw_gid": 492353,
            "sensor_meta": "au-V30_V3F",
            "station": 20000001
         "Datastream@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131983)/Datastream",
         "FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131983)/FeatureOfInterest",
         "resultTime": "2018-02-06T11:00:00+01:00"
         "@iot.id": 5131982,
         "@iot.selfLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131982)",
         "phenomenonTime": "2018-02-06T10:00:00.000Z",
         "result": 1017,
         "parameters": {
            "device_meta": "jose-1",
            "gid": 5132007,
            "name": "pressure",
            "raw_gid": 492353,
            "sensor_meta": "press-S16",
            "station": 20000001
         "Datastream@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131982)/Datastream",
         "FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink": "http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Observations(5131982)/FeatureOfInterest",
         "resultTime": "2018-02-06T11:00:00+01:00"

Get all Things with Locations and Latest Observation

Uses multiple inline-options separated with semi-colon:

Get Observations using date/time

The field phenomenonTime of Observation denotes the date/time of the original Observation.

As the Observations in the SE GOST server always denote hourly averages the phenomenonTime applies to the previous hour of the phenomenonTime. Best, in terms of response times, is to use explicit intervals with the ge, gt and le, lt operators. At this time using ISO 8601 intervals results in long response times.

To get all Observations of a specific hour let’s say between 11:00 and 12:00 on January 29, 2018:

This can also be used to get the latest Observations.